Man´s relationship with his surroundings in Miguel Torga’s tales


  • María Noguera Tajadura Universidad de Navarra



Miguel Torga, Portuguese literature, short story, thematic analysis


In the forties of the twentieth century, the portuguese writer Miguel Torga
(1907-1995) published five short stories books: Bichos (1940), Cuentos
de la montaña (1941), Rúa (1942), Nuevos cuentos de la montaña (1944)
y Piedras labradas (1951). These stories that were written at the same
time are characterized by their thematic unity. The aim of this article is
to describe how they show the issue of the relationship between the man
and his environment. We focus on four aspects: a) the relationship with
the animal and plant kingdom; b) the relationship with the space; c) the
relationship with law; and d) the relationship with mystery.


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How to Cite

Noguera Tajadura, M. (2022). Man´s relationship with his surroundings in Miguel Torga’s tales . Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 5, 153-176.