The Rhetoric and Poetics of Deconstruction


  • Vítor Aguiar e Silva Universidade do Minho



deconstruction, poetics, Romanticism, rhetoric, rhetoricity


The modernity of Enlightenment and Romanticism deeply unsettled
the centuries-old legacy of rhetoric, labelling it as an ancient teaching.
Starting in the 19th century, rhetoric was therefore progressively
replaced by historicism and philology. However, there were relevant
exceptions to the widespread condemnation of rhetoric, notably in the
articulations sought by Romantic poetics between rhetoric, poetry and
philosophy. Gradually, the importance of “rhetoricity” in language
and in literary language achieved increasing importance, with the
poetics of Symbolism, Modernism and the Vanguards. Today, we are
witnessing a reborn rhetoric especially in theoretical areas such as
psychoanalysis, textual linguistics, cognitive linguistics, hermeneutics
and modern literary theory, in particular in the theory of


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How to Cite

Silva, V. A. e. (2022). The Rhetoric and Poetics of Deconstruction. Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 9, 273-284.