As fronteiras da Europa e a negação da viagem: do estreito de Gibraltar ao túnel da Mancha


  • Maria Luísa Trindade Madeira Leal Universidad de Extremadura



travel literature, forbidden journeys, borders, emigration/immigration, shipwrecks, maps of culture, identity, rites of passage


This paper discusses forbidden journeys or the literary expression
of illegal emigration. The universal right to travel and the
«banalisation» of all kinds of trips, now that the world map is
scanned by all sorts of flight routes, has its counterpart: forbidden
journeys or, in other words, the negation of the right to cross
borders. The free movement of people across Schengen Europe has
turned the Strait of Gibraltar into a particularly sensitive border
and, from a symbolic perspective, a kind of icon of conflicting
worlds. An example of this is the collection of short stories about
immigration Inmenso Estrecho (Madrid, 2005), which includes stories about the Strait of Gibraltar, but also about other emigration areas


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How to Cite

Trindade Madeira Leal, M. L. (2022). As fronteiras da Europa e a negação da viagem: do estreito de Gibraltar ao túnel da Mancha. Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 1, 187-198.