Portuguese Subordination and the Verbal Mode: a Classification Proposal


  • Ignacio Vázquez Diéguez Universitat de Barcelona




subordination, verbal mood, link, Spanish, Portuguese


This article intends to underline the importance of understanding
subordination while learning a foreign language; in this case, what
Spanish learners need in order to acquire the Portuguese language. In
Romance languages the domain of the indicative and subjunctive
moods along with the conjunctions that connect the main clause with
the subordinate clause is essential. The grammatical tradition begins
with the study of these conjunctions and the associated verbal mood.
In this article it is proposed to group the conjunctions around the
verbal mood and within this, to consolidate the temporal relation.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Diéguez, I. (2022). Portuguese Subordination and the Verbal Mode: a Classification Proposal. Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 8, 331-362. https://doi.org/10.17398/1888-4067.8.331