The standardization of the Basque language: A brief history and results


  • Josu Zabaleta Académico correspondiente de Euskaltzaindia



diglosia, unification, standaridization, normalization, Basque


The antecedents and the process of orthographic unification,
standardization and normalization of the Basque language that has
taken place these last 50 years are exposed. The starting situation was
that of a minority and belittled language, of radical diglossia, political
repression, from which, under the linguistic direction of its own
Academy of the Language, the participation of the popular initiative
and, later, of the recovered political power After the Spanish transition,
a practically full standardization of the language and the recovery of its
social use have been achieved to levels that make it a point of reference for the recovery of other minority languages, and also
belittled, throughout the world.


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How to Cite

Zabaleta, J. (2022). The standardization of the Basque language: A brief history and results. Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 13(2), 123-142.