Modernisms of Outskirts: Cesário Verde and Guilherme deAlmeida


  • Gabriela Lopes de Azevedo Universidade de São Paulo


Cesário Verde, Guilherme de Almeida, city, Modernism


This work promotes an approximate reading of the poets Guilherme de
Almeida and Cesário Verde. The poems in focus are "Os varredores" by
the Brazilian poet and "O sentimento dum ocidental" and "Desastre" by
the Portuguese poet. The aim is to discuss the elements that make up
the representation of the modern city in each work, especially the
characters staged in the city – what Walter Benjamin calls the "botany
of asphalt". Finally, the article also tries to rescue the Baudelairean
heritage in the two poets and put them in dialog through the representation of the outskirts – a possible form of the modern city and
a way of reading and interpreting Modernity.



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12/29/2023 — Updated on 12/29/2023


How to Cite

Modernisms of Outskirts: Cesário Verde and Guilherme deAlmeida. (2023). Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 17, 129-148.