The forms of politeness of Spanish and Portuguese: their treatment in bilingual lexicography between both languages
forms of courtesy, personal pronouns, Spanish, Portuguese, bilingual lexicographyAbstract
This text wants to verify how the forms of politeness related to the interlocutor have been collected in Spanish-Portuguese bilingual dictionaries (and vice versa). The period studied covers 160 years (1864-2024). This time span shows the forms used at the end of the 19th century, the 20th century, and the beginning of the 21st century. For the language teaching purposes, the most recent ones are of interest, however, when consulting the dictionaries as a whole, it will be possible to observe how they have changed, if they include forms used outside of Europe, social characteristics that are expressed and their adaptation to the present times. The (idealised) lemmas that a bilingual dictionary of these characteristics should include are proposed.
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