The language as an act and as an attitude. From communicative competence to cultural conventions


  • Olívia Maria Figueiredo Universidade do Porto



didactics, sociocultural context, language, act, attitude


Speaking of language as an act or attitude means to make the learner
the centre of the didactic task, allowing him a responsible and active
role in all the learning process, through a methodological perspective
in which a leading and active participation is demanded.
To know how the PLE (PFL) foreign student learns is, so to speak, to
strengthen the most profitable activities in order to help the student to
attain a sociocultural skill so as to be able become autonomous, using
the resources in meaningful communicative situations according to the
sociocultural context.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, O. M. (2022). The language as an act and as an attitude. From communicative competence to cultural conventions. Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 4, 167-180.