A Myth of Maritime Traffic and the Misadventures of Ambition. The Phantom Ship or the Flying Dutchman


  • Carlos Jorge Figueiredo Jorge Universidade de Évora




maritime legends, expansionist greed, Gothic imagery


The captain Frederick Marryat novel the Phantom Ship (1839) is,
perhaps, the text were, more at length, takes place the set of events,
adventures and disasters, which are known, according to a
configuration almost always legendary-mythical by the name of Ship
Ghost or as the Flying Dutchman. The most interesting aspect that the
romance of Marryatt has, however, lies not so much in its literary
dimension, which, for some more demanding tastes regarding the
canonical magnitude and acceptability, was weak, as that permanently
it crosses the cultural values based on religious, national and political
ideologies of the time referred to. Notwithstanding, the reservation of
critics, popular acceptance was great, as was the custom at the time, in
works that was...


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How to Cite

Jorge, C. J. F. (2022). A Myth of Maritime Traffic and the Misadventures of Ambition. The Phantom Ship or the Flying Dutchman. Limite. Revista De Estudios Portugueses Y De La lusofonía, 12(2), 39-66. https://doi.org/10.17398/1888-4067.12_2.39